Undergraduate Course Programs
The School of Engineering Science has an integrated four-year educational program providing education in liberal arts subjects, basic engineering subjects and specialized engineering subjects covering a wide range of branches of engineering science.
In the first and second years, the students study the fundamentals of solid and fluid dynamics, material science, electromagnetic dynamics and thermal dynamics in basic common subjects, founded on basic knowledge of mathematics, physics and chemistry
In the second, third and fourth years, the students receive education corresponding to their future area of specialization in their Course or Sub-Course chosen in the first semester of the second year.
Once the students are divided into the Mechanical and Systems Engineering Course, the Materials Science Course, the Aeronautics and Astronautics Course, the Energy Science Sub-course, and the Nuclear Engineering sub-course, they pursue more specialized studies corresponding to their future area of specialization. Each Course or Sub-Course has a systematic curriculum to train students as future leading engineers or researchers in various branches of engineering science. Main subjects treated in each Course or Sub-Course include: material, thermal and fluid dynamics and properties, quantum physics as their foundation, and analysis, design, production and control of mechanical systems in the Mechanical and Systems Engineering Course; micro- and nano-structure control of materials, environment-friendly processing, electronic, magnetic and dynamic properties and functions, and material design and nano-technology based on the quantum theory and thermal dynamics in the Material Science Course; conversion and utilization technology of various forms of energy and physical properties, generation and recycling of materials in the Applied Energy Science and Engineering Course; nuclear energy and quantum beam theory based on micro-level physics in the Nuclear Engineering Course; and basic subjects related to aerospace engineering in the Aeronautics and Astronautics Course.
Undergraduate Course / Sub-course Programs in Department of Engineering Science
Undergraduate Course Program of Mechanical and Systems Engineering(105 students/year)
Covering the full range from microscopic materials to huge systems, the Mechanical and Systems Engineering Course trains creative future researchers and engineers armed with basic knowledge in mathematics, dynamics and other subjects, as well as fundamental mechanical engineering knowledge relating to material science, , design and manufacturing.
Undergraduate Course Program of Aeronautics and Astronautics(20 students/year)
the Aeronautics and Astronautics Course trains future researchers and engineers with solid fundamental scholarship and a strong ability to develop, capable of overcoming extreme engineering challenges and responding to demands for innovative technological development.
Undergraduate Course Program of Materials Science(55 students/year)
The Material Science Course trains future researchers and engineers capable of contributing to society through leading research into key materials ranging from metals to semiconductors to ceramics with a wide and deep basic knowledge of those materials.
Undergraduate Course Program of Nuclear Engineering(20 students/year)
The Nuclear Engineering Sub-Course trains future researchers and engineers with highly intelligent and creative competences, who can contribute to the development of new forms of energy and high-performance materials on the foundation of physics and mathematics, from the standpoints of quantum science and applied engineering.
Undergraduate Course Program of Applied Energy Science and Engineering(35 students/year)
the Energy Science Sub-course enables students to acquire the basics in science and technology relating to energy generation, conversion, transportation, storage and utilization and fosters their ability to develop environment-friendly energy systems, to become researchers and engineers who will contribute to overcoming 21st-century energy and environmental challenges.
Links to the Courses
Links to the Graduate School Departments
The Undergraduate Department of Engineering Science conducts education and research in liaison with the Graduate School of Engineering and some other Graduate Schools of Kyoto University. The following are the Departments belonging to the Graduate School of Engineering. The themes of past graduation research projects and graduate research can be viewed on the web sites of the respective Departments.